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    The Rally Moritz Costa Brava has been awarded for taking motorsport around the world.

The Rally Moritz Costa Brava has been awarded for taking motorsport around the world.

25 September, 2019|

The Rally Moritz Costa Brava has been awarded by the Catalan Sports Foundation in the category CATALAN SPORTS IN THE WORLD.

The organization RallyClassics will receive this award as a […]

The “Boss” in action

18 September, 2019|

The “Boss” of RallyClassics, Alex Romani, put on his work overall, so as not to lose his good habits, and participated codriving Alex Sasplugas, also founder of the Club, […]

Porsche Experience RallyClassics’ style

4 September, 2019|

If you are a car lover, the Porsche Classic Series are made for you; On Saturday 21 we will race in the Jarama and on Sunday 22 we will […]

Happy Holidays!

29 July, 2019|

After summer we return with the last 4 tests of the 2019 season:

Porsche Classic Series – Jarama 21/9

Moto Classic Series – Parcmotor II 6/10

Porsche Classic Series – FINAL Barcelona […]

3 months for the Grand Finale

26 July, 2019|

Only 3 months for living again the GRAND FINAL of the #PorscheClassicSeries of 26/10 at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya
+ Information here https://www.rallyclassics.club/porsche-classic-series-2019/

Boxes conversations

19 July, 2019|

Typical conversation of Boxes:
– You really do not know what EndurLarity means?
+ I told you I do not know English.
– Well, come out of joining Endurance (resistance) with Regularity […]

What are the Moto Classic Series?

17 July, 2019|

The Moto Classic Series offers the opportunity to ride your classic motorcycle on a circuit in an exciting but safe way. Have not you tried this unique experience yet? […]

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    The Jarama will receive the Porsche Classic Series in September

The Jarama will receive the Porsche Classic Series in September

15 July, 2019|

After the summer we go to the Jarama! The penultimate round of the #PorscheClassicSeries will be held on September 21. Circuit of the Jarama – RACE.

Do not be the […]